Superheroics meet teen drama in this new collection featuring Batman's sidekick Robin. The Teen Wonder is keeping busy enough in his civilian identity, as Tim Drake must face the challenges of transferring to a new school, taking new classes and making new friends. The rest of his time is taken up as Robin balances fighting crime with Batman's increasingly vigorous training regimens. Things take a distinct turn for the worse when a powerful artifact winds up in the hands of Johnny Warren, a small-time criminal with big plans. Discovering the secret to the device, Warren makes an amazing transformation into the powerful--and murderous--super-villain Johnny Warlock. It's up to Robin to stop Warlock--or die trying.
Superheroics meet teen drama in this new collection featuring Batman's sidekick Robin. The Teen Wonder is keeping busy enough in his civilian identity, as Tim Drake must face the challenges of transferring to a new school, taking new classes and making new friends. The rest of his time is taken up as Robin balances fighting crime with Batman's increasingly vigorous training regimens. Things take a distinct turn for the worse when a powerful artifact winds up in the hands of Johnny Warren, a small-time criminal with big plans. Discovering the secret to the device, Warren makes an amazing transformation into the powerful--and murderous--super-villain Johnny Warlock. It's up to Robin to stop Warlock--or die trying.