In this painted Elseworlds tale, the familiar characters of the Justice League are transformed and reinvented to tell a story of fantasy and adventure in an alternate reality. Living in a desolate world that has been fractured and decimated by years of war, a young boy named Robin begins a quest to create an alliance between the most powerful beings throughout the land to defeat the Beast and his army horde. Featuring creative reinterpretations of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash, this book will appeal to Lord of the Rings fans and sword and sorcery enthusiasts.
In this painted Elseworlds tale, the familiar characters of the Justice League are transformed and reinvented to tell a story of fantasy and adventure in an alternate reality. Living in a desolate world that has been fractured and decimated by years of war, a young boy named Robin begins a quest to create an alliance between the most powerful beings throughout the land to defeat the Beast and his army horde. Featuring creative reinterpretations of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash, this book will appeal to Lord of the Rings fans and sword and sorcery enthusiasts.