One man’s past bisexual lifestyle has significant and lingering consequences, and the total top becomes a total mess when his past collides with his present...
Spence is on top of the world, a golden boy, rich and used to getting his own way. His fate, however, is about to change. Just when he finds the perfect cowboy to love, he’s blindsided with a complication of epic proportions. A pregnant woman claims he’s her baby’s daddy...and his "perfect cowboy" is the woman’s unsuspecting half-brother.
Paul never knew falling in love could be so complicated. When the man of his dreams also knocks up his sister, can Paul get past it? And can he also get beyond his hot-blooded Latino prejudices against rich white men who don’t have a clue how the other half lives?
One man’s past bisexual lifestyle has significant and lingering consequences, and the total top becomes a total mess when his past collides with his present...
Spence is on top of the world, a golden boy, rich and used to getting his own way. His fate, however, is about to change. Just when he finds the perfect cowboy to love, he’s blindsided with a complication of epic proportions. A pregnant woman claims he’s her baby’s daddy...and his "perfect cowboy" is the woman’s unsuspecting half-brother.
Paul never knew falling in love could be so complicated. When the man of his dreams also knocks up his sister, can Paul get past it? And can he also get beyond his hot-blooded Latino prejudices against rich white men who don’t have a clue how the other half lives?