Based on director Larry Fessenden's chilling eco-horror film starring Ron Perlman, James Le Gros, and Connie Britton, The Last Winter tells the story of an oil company's advance team struggling to establish a drilling base in the Arctic that will forever alter the pristine land of Northern Alaska. After one team member is found dead, a mania slowly claims the sanity of the others as each of them succumbs to a mysterious fear...
Based on director Larry Fessenden's chilling eco-horror film starring Ron Perlman, James Le Gros, and Connie Britton, The Last Winter tells the story of an oil company's advance team struggling to establish a drilling base in the Arctic that will forever alter the pristine land of Northern Alaska. After one team member is found dead, a mania slowly claims the sanity of the others as each of them succumbs to a mysterious fear...