This issue sees a heartrending tale from Paul Michael Anderson , flowery destruction from Betty Rocksteady , infinite dread from Mike Thorn, tables turned from Bill Adler Jr. , physical oddity from Mary Crosbie, costly incantation for Erica Ruppert, troublesome birth from William Marchese, and household disturbance as well as an excerpt from The Grimhaven Disaster from Leo X. Robertson. Gwendolyn Kiste offers up thoughts on the suburban gothic worlds of David Lynch and Shirley Jackson. Agent Gina Panetierri, editor Jess Landry, and publisher Pete Kahle offer thoughts on querying and submissions.
This issue sees a heartrending tale from Paul Michael Anderson , flowery destruction from Betty Rocksteady , infinite dread from Mike Thorn, tables turned from Bill Adler Jr. , physical oddity from Mary Crosbie, costly incantation for Erica Ruppert, troublesome birth from William Marchese, and household disturbance as well as an excerpt from The Grimhaven Disaster from Leo X. Robertson. Gwendolyn Kiste offers up thoughts on the suburban gothic worlds of David Lynch and Shirley Jackson. Agent Gina Panetierri, editor Jess Landry, and publisher Pete Kahle offer thoughts on querying and submissions.