Paradise can be the stark natural beauty of our own world; it can be the connections we have with the people we love; it can be a moment in time. Paradise can be a place we're seeking or a place that we didn't realize we already had until it started to slip away. It can have a dark side. Even shining science-fiction utopias can come with a price.
Read this book and take a journey through eighteen different visions of paradise—beginning with the personal and natural, traveling through the societal and technological, and all the way out to the supernal and divine. A great book can heal you when you're hurting, give you an escape that you desperately need, or even rekindle a lost spark of hope.
Let this book be a small piece of paradise for you.
Northern Delights by Madison Keller
Flying Back to Paradise by Jelliqal Belle
Personal History by Tim Susman
The Lion Sleeps by Frances Pauli
Tucked Away by E. S. Lapso
When Pigs Fly by Amy Fontaine
Funnel Dresses by Priya Sridhar
A Christmas Tale for the Disenchanted by Mark Blickley
Bite the Apple by Christopher Shaffer
Lonesome Peak by John Giezentanner
When the Milk Men Come by Searska Greyraven
Nor’Killik by Matt Doyle
We Are One by Thurston Howl
Lucid by Nicholas Hardin
Castle Phoenix by Bill Kieffer
Kypris’ Kiss by Slip Wolf
Behesht by Dwale
Hope For the Harbingers by Allison Thai
Paradise can be the stark natural beauty of our own world; it can be the connections we have with the people we love; it can be a moment in time. Paradise can be a place we're seeking or a place that we didn't realize we already had until it started to slip away. It can have a dark side. Even shining science-fiction utopias can come with a price.
Read this book and take a journey through eighteen different visions of paradise—beginning with the personal and natural, traveling through the societal and technological, and all the way out to the supernal and divine. A great book can heal you when you're hurting, give you an escape that you desperately need, or even rekindle a lost spark of hope.
Let this book be a small piece of paradise for you.
Northern Delights by Madison Keller
Flying Back to Paradise by Jelliqal Belle
Personal History by Tim Susman
The Lion Sleeps by Frances Pauli
Tucked Away by E. S. Lapso
When Pigs Fly by Amy Fontaine
Funnel Dresses by Priya Sridhar
A Christmas Tale for the Disenchanted by Mark Blickley
Bite the Apple by Christopher Shaffer
Lonesome Peak by John Giezentanner
When the Milk Men Come by Searska Greyraven
Nor’Killik by Matt Doyle
We Are One by Thurston Howl
Lucid by Nicholas Hardin
Castle Phoenix by Bill Kieffer
Kypris’ Kiss by Slip Wolf
Behesht by Dwale
Hope For the Harbingers by Allison Thai