Before their paths crossed to form the Nighthawks...
Mentalists have been eradicated in the Culling and now the military seeks to control and eliminate individuals with abilities known as the Children of Nostradamus. In retaliation, domestic terrorist attack New England, blowing up nuclear reactors leaving the northeast uninhabitable by humans. But one woman's legacy sets into motion a series of events to ensure the future.
Before a fragile thread connected their futures...
Conthan receives a letter from psychic, Eleanor Valentine forty years after her death. Vanessa, Dav5d, Skits, Dwayne, and Alyssa hide amidst the ruins of Boston. Jasmine leads the Paladins removing Children from the public. Unbeknownst to them, Eleanor is about to change their fate in an attempt to save mankind.
Before they found themselves humanity's last hope...
Twelve souls struggle to survive their descent into darkness. On the fringes of society, they fight to preserve the light in a world going mad. Questioning their destiny, Eleanor's predictions threaten to take them down a darker path toward an unknown threat looming on the horizon.
Before their paths crossed to form the Nighthawks...
Mentalists have been eradicated in the Culling and now the military seeks to control and eliminate individuals with abilities known as the Children of Nostradamus. In retaliation, domestic terrorist attack New England, blowing up nuclear reactors leaving the northeast uninhabitable by humans. But one woman's legacy sets into motion a series of events to ensure the future.
Before a fragile thread connected their futures...
Conthan receives a letter from psychic, Eleanor Valentine forty years after her death. Vanessa, Dav5d, Skits, Dwayne, and Alyssa hide amidst the ruins of Boston. Jasmine leads the Paladins removing Children from the public. Unbeknownst to them, Eleanor is about to change their fate in an attempt to save mankind.
Before they found themselves humanity's last hope...
Twelve souls struggle to survive their descent into darkness. On the fringes of society, they fight to preserve the light in a world going mad. Questioning their destiny, Eleanor's predictions threaten to take them down a darker path toward an unknown threat looming on the horizon.