The spring 2016 issue of Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine includes interviews with Sharon Smyth Lentz, "Sarah Collins" of Dark Shadows, and authors Benjamin Blake, Anne Michaud, Robert Essig, and R.J. Fanucchi. Stories, art, and poetry by Tony-Paul de Vissage, Jennifer Ruth Jackson, Guy Burtenshaw, Sandro D. Fossemo, D.B. Heath, Peter MacQuarrie, Frederick K. Foote Jr., Jeff Parsons, Jill Hand, John Grey, Henry Miles, Rebecca Kolodziej, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kourtney Sande, Eric Scott, Ned Thimmayya, Ben Finateri, Neal Privett, Garth Pettersen, and Joseph Patterson.
The spring 2016 issue of Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine includes interviews with Sharon Smyth Lentz, "Sarah Collins" of Dark Shadows, and authors Benjamin Blake, Anne Michaud, Robert Essig, and R.J. Fanucchi. Stories, art, and poetry by Tony-Paul de Vissage, Jennifer Ruth Jackson, Guy Burtenshaw, Sandro D. Fossemo, D.B. Heath, Peter MacQuarrie, Frederick K. Foote Jr., Jeff Parsons, Jill Hand, John Grey, Henry Miles, Rebecca Kolodziej, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kourtney Sande, Eric Scott, Ned Thimmayya, Ben Finateri, Neal Privett, Garth Pettersen, and Joseph Patterson.