A spinoff from the highly successful Rookie Readers, this series teaches and encourages the development of good character. Each book in the series focuses on an important decision-making trait or skill, such as cooperation, responsibility, and fair play. The main characters are three, second-grade friends who live on the same city block and are called the Corner Kids. In each book, the friends -- Alex, Gabby, and Three J -- have a different adventure that challenges them to make thoughtful choices and to learn from their mistakes.Taking care of his dog Jake is too much responsibility for Three J alone, until he decides to share his pet with Gabby and Alex. Now everybody is happy. Sharing -- that's the Corner Kids way!
A spinoff from the highly successful Rookie Readers, this series teaches and encourages the development of good character. Each book in the series focuses on an important decision-making trait or skill, such as cooperation, responsibility, and fair play. The main characters are three, second-grade friends who live on the same city block and are called the Corner Kids. In each book, the friends -- Alex, Gabby, and Three J -- have a different adventure that challenges them to make thoughtful choices and to learn from their mistakes.Taking care of his dog Jake is too much responsibility for Three J alone, until he decides to share his pet with Gabby and Alex. Now everybody is happy. Sharing -- that's the Corner Kids way!