This anthology is a collection of Twistered Tales based around the works and world's created by L. Frank Baum. They span the often wonderful, seedy, corrupt, terrifying or raunchy land of Oz covering a variety of genres. These stunning reimaginings from voices both known and unknown in fiction such as D.F. Noble, Kevin Candela and Berti Walker with newcomers Jaylynn Merrill and Donald Armfield. Enjoy this acid trip down the Yellow Brick road with us, you'll never be the same.
This anthology is a collection of Twistered Tales based around the works and world's created by L. Frank Baum. They span the often wonderful, seedy, corrupt, terrifying or raunchy land of Oz covering a variety of genres. These stunning reimaginings from voices both known and unknown in fiction such as D.F. Noble, Kevin Candela and Berti Walker with newcomers Jaylynn Merrill and Donald Armfield. Enjoy this acid trip down the Yellow Brick road with us, you'll never be the same.