Time to deal another dead man's hand, courtesy of croupier Clive Barker and his cruel conceits. Here's how the cards fall tonight...
A pair of lovers must test their relationship -- beyond the grave. Vietnam makes a soldier and a Cenobite into two-of-a-kind. Flush with terror, a mother battles monstrosities for her son's soul. And when a gambler bets on the wrong horse, it's a straight-to-hell.
Stir in a round...you may find the stakes irresistable.
In fact, we'd bet your life on it.
Original Sin by Ron Wolfe, SMS
Lingerings by James R. Smith, Jamie Tolagson
Tunnel of Love by Erik Saltzgaber, Joe Barruso
The Trainer by Bill Mummy, Miguel Ferrer, Bill Wray
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Time to deal another dead man's hand, courtesy of croupier Clive Barker and his cruel conceits. Here's how the cards fall tonight...
A pair of lovers must test their relationship -- beyond the grave. Vietnam makes a soldier and a Cenobite into two-of-a-kind. Flush with terror, a mother battles monstrosities for her son's soul. And when a gambler bets on the wrong horse, it's a straight-to-hell.
Stir in a round...you may find the stakes irresistable.
In fact, we'd bet your life on it.
Original Sin by Ron Wolfe, SMS
Lingerings by James R. Smith, Jamie Tolagson
Tunnel of Love by Erik Saltzgaber, Joe Barruso
The Trainer by Bill Mummy, Miguel Ferrer, Bill Wray
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