This novel is part detective thriller, part philosophical study of the nature of human atrocity. The book takes as its major themes the inhumanity committed throughout human history and the striking similarities linguistic, cultural and otherwise that arise when one starts to scratch at the surface of what makes people commit evil acts. The protagonist, Medea Jackson, becomes an unwilling pawn in a mysterious game when she visits the site of a mass grave out of professional interest. She quickly finds herself bound to a Holocaust survivor who's identity seems as transitory as their progress from Western Canada to Europe and beyond. In the end, Medea finds that the spirit of atrocity is as elusive as the people orchestrating Medea's quest.
This novel is part detective thriller, part philosophical study of the nature of human atrocity. The book takes as its major themes the inhumanity committed throughout human history and the striking similarities linguistic, cultural and otherwise that arise when one starts to scratch at the surface of what makes people commit evil acts. The protagonist, Medea Jackson, becomes an unwilling pawn in a mysterious game when she visits the site of a mass grave out of professional interest. She quickly finds herself bound to a Holocaust survivor who's identity seems as transitory as their progress from Western Canada to Europe and beyond. In the end, Medea finds that the spirit of atrocity is as elusive as the people orchestrating Medea's quest.