"In this exquisitely thoughtful little collection, Robert Kramer guides his readers, holding aloft a lantern lit by lucid verse and canny eye, through night, through fog, through mist, to the secret place where we surprise Life: fast asleep, and fitfully dreaming. This urbane poet has brought us along on a search for understanding, and with him we have done much spelunking into the caverns of the soul." — Donald Lev, poet, publisher of HOME PLANET NEWS
"In this exquisitely thoughtful little collection, Robert Kramer guides his readers, holding aloft a lantern lit by lucid verse and canny eye, through night, through fog, through mist, to the secret place where we surprise Life: fast asleep, and fitfully dreaming. This urbane poet has brought us along on a search for understanding, and with him we have done much spelunking into the caverns of the soul." — Donald Lev, poet, publisher of HOME PLANET NEWS