The Dimension Series is a series of serial shorts, releasing once a month from January to December 2015. It is a clean, New Adult series also suitable for some Young Adult readers, due to mild language, mild violence. However, readers who do not enjoy exciting cliffhangers, or look forward to the mouth-watering anticipation of month-to-month episodes should be warned...if you lay eyes on this story...THERE IS NO GOING BACK.
Humanity on Antythera has nearly vanished. No one is safe now—not even the elite. Force receives an unexpected proposition that sends his risky, volatile world on tilt and puts all the lives around him in jeopardy as the ship escapes into the first dimension.
The Dimension Series is a series of serial shorts, releasing once a month from January to December 2015. It is a clean, New Adult series also suitable for some Young Adult readers, due to mild language, mild violence. However, readers who do not enjoy exciting cliffhangers, or look forward to the mouth-watering anticipation of month-to-month episodes should be warned...if you lay eyes on this story...THERE IS NO GOING BACK.
Humanity on Antythera has nearly vanished. No one is safe now—not even the elite. Force receives an unexpected proposition that sends his risky, volatile world on tilt and puts all the lives around him in jeopardy as the ship escapes into the first dimension.