The second volume of DarkFuse's anthology series, featuring 6 original tales of dark fiction. “Nether Goole” by Richard Farren Barber “Imago” by F. Charles Murdock “The Betting Man” by Michael A. Pignatella “Splotch of Red” by Samuel Marzioli “Pink Denim” by Brady Golden “The Eldritch Eye” by Tim Curran
The second volume of DarkFuse's anthology series, featuring 6 original tales of dark fiction. “Nether Goole” by Richard Farren Barber “Imago” by F. Charles Murdock “The Betting Man” by Michael A. Pignatella “Splotch of Red” by Samuel Marzioli “Pink Denim” by Brady Golden “The Eldritch Eye” by Tim Curran