Whether you own a successful, well-established business or are just getting started, you are missing out on an excellent way to attract and retain customers if you are not using social media to connect with your network.
While Facebook began as a method for individuals to stay in contact with friends and relatives, it has evolved into something much broader, and now boasts over 500 million users worldwide, with 100 million U.S. users. There is no other utility on Earth that allows you to connect with so many people for such a small investment of in your time.
Here’s an example of why Facebook is so effective. Imagine that you set up a business Facebook page for your business, and you invite 100 people to become “fans” of your business. These people could be friends, family, associates, network contacts, or even just local people you find on Facebook. According to Facebook Statistics the average amount of friends a person has is 130. If you assume that only 50% of those you invite sign up, you are still reaching 6500 people since all the friends of the people who sign up will see that they have added your business to their fan page, as well as updates and additions that fans comment on or like. That’s a lot of people!
It sounds easy--and it is--but it takes a lot of planning and good marketing to work. This book will show you what you need to succeed, including how to create a polished page using Facebook's Markup language.
Kindle Edition
Minute Help Press
January 26, 2011
Facebook for Business: How to Create a Facebook Business Page That Works -- From the Basics to Using Facebook's Advanced Mark Up Language (FBML)
Whether you own a successful, well-established business or are just getting started, you are missing out on an excellent way to attract and retain customers if you are not using social media to connect with your network.
While Facebook began as a method for individuals to stay in contact with friends and relatives, it has evolved into something much broader, and now boasts over 500 million users worldwide, with 100 million U.S. users. There is no other utility on Earth that allows you to connect with so many people for such a small investment of in your time.
Here’s an example of why Facebook is so effective. Imagine that you set up a business Facebook page for your business, and you invite 100 people to become “fans” of your business. These people could be friends, family, associates, network contacts, or even just local people you find on Facebook. According to Facebook Statistics the average amount of friends a person has is 130. If you assume that only 50% of those you invite sign up, you are still reaching 6500 people since all the friends of the people who sign up will see that they have added your business to their fan page, as well as updates and additions that fans comment on or like. That’s a lot of people!
It sounds easy--and it is--but it takes a lot of planning and good marketing to work. This book will show you what you need to succeed, including how to create a polished page using Facebook's Markup language.