With each wave of resistance in life, it can be so tempting to simply give up. To quit the difficult calling. To leave the meaningful relationship. To walk away from the dreams God placed on your heart.
If this is where you find yourself, take heart. Nick Connolly has also been there—and he’s written Don’t Give Up Just Yet for you to find the motivation and encouragement to help you to keep going. Together, we’ll God hasn’t let go of you. The other side of this hard time is closer than you think. Join Nick in the journey to choose persistence in the face of resistance; find renewed energy and faith; and confidently pursue the promise of who God made you to be.
Kindle Edition
February 06, 2024
Don’t Give Up Just Yet: Choosing Persistence in a World of Overwhelming Resistance
With each wave of resistance in life, it can be so tempting to simply give up. To quit the difficult calling. To leave the meaningful relationship. To walk away from the dreams God placed on your heart.
If this is where you find yourself, take heart. Nick Connolly has also been there—and he’s written Don’t Give Up Just Yet for you to find the motivation and encouragement to help you to keep going. Together, we’ll God hasn’t let go of you. The other side of this hard time is closer than you think. Join Nick in the journey to choose persistence in the face of resistance; find renewed energy and faith; and confidently pursue the promise of who God made you to be.