That master of the macabre Alfred Hitchcock has only scorn for people who dream their nights away. No one should waste those deliciously dark hours between dusk and dawn when the wind howls the loudest and the smallest sounds can reap the greatest dividends of dread. Therefore in his latest collection Hitch has personally selected tales tailored to break the stranglehold of slumber and make sure that all your nightmares are waking ones.
January 01, 1971
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories to Stay Awake By
That master of the macabre Alfred Hitchcock has only scorn for people who dream their nights away. No one should waste those deliciously dark hours between dusk and dawn when the wind howls the loudest and the smallest sounds can reap the greatest dividends of dread. Therefore in his latest collection Hitch has personally selected tales tailored to break the stranglehold of slumber and make sure that all your nightmares are waking ones.