This set includes the first 7 books of the My Dress-Up Darling manga series. It is an irresistible manga series that follows the journey of a high school student named Wakana Gojo and her unlikely friendship with a talented but socially awkward cosplayer named Marin Kitagawa.
Marin is a master of her craft, creating incredible costumes and cosplays with a level of detail that astounds even the most experienced veterans of the hobby. However, she's also incredibly shy and struggles to make friends, leading her to spend most of her time working on her costumes alone.
Enter Wakana, a self-proclaimed normie who initially has no interest in cosplay. But when she accidentally walks in on Marin working on a costume, she's drawn in by the beauty and creativity of the hobby, and the two quickly become friends.
Over the course of the series, Wakana and Marin bond over their shared love of cosplay, navigating the ups and downs of high school life while creating incredible costumes together. From recreating iconic anime characters to dreaming up their own original designs, My Dress-Up Darling is a celebration of creativity, friendship, and the joy of being true to yourself.
This set includes the first 7 books of the My Dress-Up Darling manga series. It is an irresistible manga series that follows the journey of a high school student named Wakana Gojo and her unlikely friendship with a talented but socially awkward cosplayer named Marin Kitagawa.
Marin is a master of her craft, creating incredible costumes and cosplays with a level of detail that astounds even the most experienced veterans of the hobby. However, she's also incredibly shy and struggles to make friends, leading her to spend most of her time working on her costumes alone.
Enter Wakana, a self-proclaimed normie who initially has no interest in cosplay. But when she accidentally walks in on Marin working on a costume, she's drawn in by the beauty and creativity of the hobby, and the two quickly become friends.
Over the course of the series, Wakana and Marin bond over their shared love of cosplay, navigating the ups and downs of high school life while creating incredible costumes together. From recreating iconic anime characters to dreaming up their own original designs, My Dress-Up Darling is a celebration of creativity, friendship, and the joy of being true to yourself.