Dreams of a magical island lured Princess Nevar Solen-Mor’gen away from her kingdom. Far from home, mystical witches sealed her fate, turning her into the vessel for a malicious primordial deity. Until visions of growing danger enticed her into escaping the witches to face a new peril across the sea. In the city of Bellmead, Deimos, a mysterious and alluring silver-eyed man, draws Nevar into hunting demons corrupted by the magical Rift from her homeland. She joins him, determined to find out who summoned the appalling creatures terrorizing citizens in the night. Struggling to contain the deity tormenting her, Nevar caves to the irresistible passion Deimos stirs within her. Although there’s something unusual about him and his silver eyes, the heat of his touch eases the voice in her head and the beast under her skin. While battling the fiends within the city, Deimos and Nevar have personal monsters to tame, and they’ll need one another to overcome them.
Dreams of a magical island lured Princess Nevar Solen-Mor’gen away from her kingdom. Far from home, mystical witches sealed her fate, turning her into the vessel for a malicious primordial deity. Until visions of growing danger enticed her into escaping the witches to face a new peril across the sea. In the city of Bellmead, Deimos, a mysterious and alluring silver-eyed man, draws Nevar into hunting demons corrupted by the magical Rift from her homeland. She joins him, determined to find out who summoned the appalling creatures terrorizing citizens in the night. Struggling to contain the deity tormenting her, Nevar caves to the irresistible passion Deimos stirs within her. Although there’s something unusual about him and his silver eyes, the heat of his touch eases the voice in her head and the beast under her skin. While battling the fiends within the city, Deimos and Nevar have personal monsters to tame, and they’ll need one another to overcome them.