"My Homeland" is a 2023 Scars Publications poetry and prose book with material from assorted writers and artists, as the 3/23 issue release of the literary magazine "Down in the Dirt" ( Since 2014 "Down in the Dirt" magazine is released every other month as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only its usual ISSN# , but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues now carry a title to accompany the new format, reflecting the writing inside the book as well as the cover design. Writers and artists included in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Alex Foster, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill Tope, Cailey Tarriane, David Berger, Doug Hawley, Fay L. Loomis, Felicia Nimue Ackerman, Gil Hoy, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, John F McMullen, John Ragusa, John Zedolik, Josephine Rudolf, Kelsey Richardson, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kirk Alex, Mike Schneider, Nancy Jo Allen, P. L. Grimaldi, Pawel Markiewicz, Peter J. Dellolio, Richard K. Williams, Sangeetha G, Sarah Daly, Susie Gharib, Tom Ball, Tom Sheehan, Vern Fein, William Ellis, Yandisa Krobani, Christopher Strople, Daniel de Culla, David Sowards, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Elena Botts, Isabel G. de Diego, Karen Hedges, Stephan Lynn Dowless, and T. L. Sullivan.
"My Homeland" is a 2023 Scars Publications poetry and prose book with material from assorted writers and artists, as the 3/23 issue release of the literary magazine "Down in the Dirt" ( Since 2014 "Down in the Dirt" magazine is released every other month as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only its usual ISSN# , but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues now carry a title to accompany the new format, reflecting the writing inside the book as well as the cover design. Writers and artists included in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include Alex Foster, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bill Tope, Cailey Tarriane, David Berger, Doug Hawley, Fay L. Loomis, Felicia Nimue Ackerman, Gil Hoy, James Bates, Janet Kuypers, John F McMullen, John Ragusa, John Zedolik, Josephine Rudolf, Kelsey Richardson, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kirk Alex, Mike Schneider, Nancy Jo Allen, P. L. Grimaldi, Pawel Markiewicz, Peter J. Dellolio, Richard K. Williams, Sangeetha G, Sarah Daly, Susie Gharib, Tom Ball, Tom Sheehan, Vern Fein, William Ellis, Yandisa Krobani, Christopher Strople, Daniel de Culla, David Sowards, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Elena Botts, Isabel G. de Diego, Karen Hedges, Stephan Lynn Dowless, and T. L. Sullivan.